Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold of eternal life to which you were summoned and [for which] you confessed the good confession [of faith] before many witnesses. 1 Timothy 6:12
Fight the Good Fight Saints
never let the enemy force you to back down
Continue to fight the good fight of faith if you desire to wear a crown
As believers, don't go through hell on earth and miss the rapture
Satan has only a little time remaining before his long awaited capture
It's crucial
We need to live everyday like we were dying
We can't go on passing people who are hurting and crying
When we die daily to self, Christ is richly alive in us
So search for wondering souls who are lost in the Kingdom, it's a must
Be militant
Wear all your armor given every single day
In spiritual warfare, fight to kill, that's how you keep the devil at bay
It's time to do war on the flesh
so it won't be the one thing that keeps knocking us out
March bravely around the enemy's camp
and watch the walls fall down when you shout
Satan's playing for keeps
and ultimately his mission is to destroy our very existence
Let's fall down on our knees and go before the throne room in repentance
Christ is waiting,
waiting for His warriors to take their rightful place
And give the kingdom of darkness a big blow to the face
Hit the enemy in his weakest spot by constantly reminding him of what's to come Continue to fight the good fight of faith soldier, for the battle is already won
I have fought the good [worthy, honorable, and noble] fight, I have finished the race, I have kept [firmly held] the faith. 2 Timothy 4:7