Manna Ministries
"Bread from Heaven"
No Feeble Among Them
A brief version of Bishop's Testimony
Jesus said, "I am the resurrection and the life. He that believes in me though he was dead, yet shall he live." John 11:25
On September 29, 2003, Bishop Kenneth Sims underwent brain surgery in Meridian, Mississippi. The surgeon found an inoperable, golf-ball-sized tumor embedded in the occipital area of the brain. His wife was told to anticipate blindness and that he would probably be a vegetable for the rest of his life - if he lived. Due to profuse bleeding for the next three days, he had to have some leaky vessels in his head cauterized - twice. Though surgeries were performed three times on the back of the head, miraculously there is only one horse-shoe scar.
Something happened during these brain surgeries, that manifested in convulsions and resulted in a return stay in the intensive care unit. After stabilization in ICU the next day, he was transferred to UAB in Birmingham, Alabama, where he received a transplant in 1996.
October 3, 2003, he coded. The doctors tried to revive him but could only find a very faint pulse. He was placed on a life support system and his wife was encouraged by the specialists to make a decision to take him off the ventilator. The physician stated that he was too far gone and could never come back. His wife, Patrick refused to let go and requested that they do everything medically possible for him. Bishop Sims warned her beforehand what would happen and gave her instructions to 'STAND'. She knew that he was in heavenly places. On the third day, Bishop Sims rose.
On the same Wednesday that he was resurrected, Patrick received a call from a cardiothoracic surgeon, who informed her that he had to have yet another operation, this time a pericardial window because his heart was enlarged. It was crucial for the procedure to be done on that Friday. He was given one day for recuperation. A liter of fluid was removed from around his heart.
November 8, he had to have emergency surgery to extract the transplanted kidney, which had swelled to the size of a Nerf football. It had become infected and was life-threatening. He was subjected to five surgeries in the space of six weeks in conjunction with dialysis three times a week, four and a half hours at a time.
In June of 2004, he had to have an eye implant.
In 2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010, he was hospitalized again with extreme hypertension, double pneumonia, cardiac complications, and pulmonary issues.
BUT GOD HAD A PLAN: Mystery of the Anointing, his first inspirational book was published in March 2007.
He Had open-heart surgery to repair the mitral valve in his heart on December 29, 2009. Both the mitral valve and the tricuspid were regurgitating severely. The tricuspid was never repaired but is repairing itself.
Since kidney failure in November 1992, there were days when Bishop did not know who he was or where he was. There were days when he was unable to feed, bathe or clothe himself. He had to be pushed in a wheelchair because he had no strength.
BUT GOD HAD A PLAN: His first book for children, Solomon the Royal Little Mouse, was published in April 2010 and the sequel is forthcoming.
Bishop confessed that his life was hidden in Jesus Christ. He refused to leave earth until his mission and purpose were complete. Though he suffered many things in his physical body, he believed that the word of God is true and that he was healed in Jesus' name. He is not totally and completely healed in the presence of the Lord.
Bishop Ken Sims was President and Founder of Manna Ministries, which was established in Lawton, Oklahoma in 2004.
He Was A Walking Miracle (1956-2018)